be{u}tiful you sessions at Frievalt Photography
So what the heck is be{u}tiful you?
be{u}tiful you is a session for women ages 19 and up that is geared towards a fashion spread in Vogue or W magazine. Basically a full blown makeup and dress up night making you feel like a model for the day! I came up with the idea after thinking about all the cool sessions I do with high school seniors and brides. After those moments in time when is the last time you got dressed up and did a super cool photoshoot? Probably not ever, why? You work hard and deserve to be pampered a bit for once!
be{u}tiful you is a session that is artistic and makes you feel wonderful and beautiful as a professional woman. These sessions are about beautiful couture gowns and dresses, not boudoir images. Its about being sensual and romantic with a twist of fashion.
Below are some of the images me and my team created with the test subjects. Keep in mind that these are “everyday” women and don’t have any modeling experience. All of the outfits were supplied by my clothing stylist and each wonderful lady got full hair and makeup done.Jennifer-Age 40, Mother of three.
Here is what Jennifer had to say about her be{u}tiful you session:“As a woman in her 40’s, defying age becomes a daily routine. The changes I notice taking place can be discouraging at times, however, I have learned to embrace my maturity. Characteristics mark me and display the autobiography of my life. Choosing not to alter myself with available treatments, I am honored to show how a woman ages gracefully. Yet, through time becoming a wife, mother, career woman, and friend to many can make me forget about myself. The years pass by, like a wildfire, and to soon forgotten, or left as a memory I can only hold. Looking at my existence in the mirror, these character lines, shapes etc.… have changed. Feeling the need to express my inner self, Dan Frievalt offered me an opportunity to do a model shoot. I felt completely incapable of doing this, because I am not your typical body type or a youthful young adult. When I was chosen, I had mixed feelings. Do I really want pictures of myself? Can I pull this off? I do not know how to stand, pose, and make the correct facial expressions etc.… What about my figure, age spots, acne, and imperfections? All my insecurities were calmed the moment I stepped into Dan’s studio. Himself, along with his assistants’, made me feel welcome, comfortable, and treated me like a movie star. Along with the fact that Frievalt’s crew took the time to make me look beautiful, and calmed my nerves about posing correctly. I have not see my final shots yet, however, I have a feeling Dan’s touch will make them magical. This experience changed how I perceive things, and gave me a chance to show a side of me others never get to see. Thanks Dan for being a wonderful artist and giving me this fortune! Please thank your crew too! They are incredible women!! Hugs!!”
Amanda-Age 34, Mother of two.
What Amanda had to say about her be{u}tiful you session:
How did you feel during the shoot?
Really at ease. I thought you guided me into poses that would work for me and felt great about the make-up, hair and wardrobe choices. Overall the mood in the room was fun and relaxing. I felt like attention was placed on me which is nice for a mother used to having life revolve around her kids. It was fun to see you in your artistic-mode where we were doing photos ideas/props on the fly too. I also liked that you did two looks because it really felt like a full session and added some variety.
How did you feel when the shoot was over?
I felt happy with the session and REALLY curious about the pictures. I can’t wait to see them! It was nice to set aside the time to do something for me and get pampered. It’s something every woman should experience!Rana: newly engaged
Here is what Rana had to say about her be{u}tiful you session:
How did you feel arriving the day of the shoot?
I was nervous and anxious!
How did you feel during the shoot?
Once I got my hair/make up and dress on, I felt great! Everyone made me feel very comfortable as well! Since this is something I have never experienced, it was nice to have great people around me that were helpful and had a great sense of humor.
How did you feel when the shoot was over?
Tired!! LOL! I was very happy and felt kind of like a real model!!
I was anxious to see the end product!
What did you like most about the shoot?
How creative and artistic it was!
Tanya: Age 27, Mother of two.
Here is what Tanya had to say about her be{u}tiful you session:
How did you feel arriving the day of the shoot?
I felt welcomed
How did you feel during the shoot?
Confident and pretty comfortable
How did you feel when the shoot was over?
A little tired but excited for the results!
What did you like most about the shoot?
The crew! You guys rock and you all made me feel so comfortable!
Ciarra: Age 21.
Here is what Ciarra had to say about her be{u}tiful you session:
How did you feel arriving the day of the shoot?
Happy and ready to go! Didn’t like not having any makeup on though! Haha
How did you feel during the shoot?
Comfortable and sexy. Who doesn’t like having pictures taken of them when their hair, make up, and clothing is beautiful!
How did you feel when the shoot was over?
Sad, because I didn’t want it to end yet!
What did you like most about the shoot?
How great you and your team worked together! Also how comfortable everyone made me feel.
I was amazed on how every woman that we photographed so far for the be{u}tiful you sessions have all felt the same way and how super successful these sessions turned out. Again I have never worked with any of these women before and they do not have modeling experience. They are everyday working women who came in to get a little something special for themselves. If you are interested in getting a be{u}tiful you session for yourself, please give me a call to set up a date and time. These are only available for a limited time, so call today to hold your spot. Only $279 per session which includes professional makeup, hair and clothing styling. Give Dan a call at 920-336-5729 to hold your spot.